Month: januari 2025

Integrated care for the elderly

The background and effects of the reform of Swedish care of the elderly

Grazyna Andersson, BA, MPHW, PhD Student, University of Uppsala, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Health Services Research, Uppsala, Sweden
Ingvar Karlberg, MD, PhD, MPH, Professor of Health Services Research, Nordic School of Public Health, Göteborg,

Medical and social care may be integratively associated
within and outside of the health care sector. The
societal idea of care of the elderly as part of a general
welfare system may be seen as such integration. In
this report, we will be discussing integrated care from
both the general and the specific perspective. Experience
from the Swedish ‘‘A¨ del-reform’’ is our case1.
The reform concerned care of the elderly and will be
described in detail, and in this paper be referred to as
‘‘The Elderly Reform’’……………………..